Trinity Bible Church auditorium featuring rows of chairs to welcome guests

Visiting a new church isn’t easy. Are the people friendly? How does this all work? What am I supposed to wear? What about my kids? The questions can feel endless.

We understand. Everyone here was once a visitor too.

Honestly, we try to keep things pretty simple. Wear what you want. The service is pretty straightforward. We worship through songs, prayer, and a time where the Bible is taught in a clear and understandable way.

During our worship service, a nursery is available downstairs for kids under the age of 4. We offer a Kingdom Kids program for ages 4 through the 2nd grade. It begins immediately after the first part of our service. Kids sit with their parents and then dismissed with their teachers. Click here to fill out a “Child Information Form”. This lets our staff know about any allergies or issues. Just bring it with you.

During our Sunday school hour from 9-10, we have classes for nursery, early elementary, and upper elementary kids. Middle school and high school share a class where high schoolers also have the option to join an adult class if they so desire.

Ultimately, our hope is that you discover a place you can call home and a God who loves you more than you can possibly imagine. We look forward to meeting you!