Small Groups
Small groups at Trinity Bible Church are a great way to connect with others and to experience the kind of community for which God designed us. In other words, the kind of community where we can care for each other, grow in our relationship with each other, and increasingly deepen our walk with Jesus Christ.
Here at Trinity, we offer a variety of groups in order to provide a wide range of opportunities for people to be involved. We have groups that meet on different days of the week, at different times of the day, and in different locations throughout the Kearsarge area. We have men's groups, women's groups, and mixed-gender groups, and most of meet either weekly or twice a month. Here’s a list of our current groups leaders along with their email addresses. Simply contact them for more information.
New London, Sunday nights: Contact Steve Bailey @ sbails1@comcast.net
South Sutton, Thursday nights: Contact Doug Dean @ d_dean@conknet.com
Sutton, Tuesday nights: Contact Jim Critchlow @ hebrewtrol@yahoo.com
Sutton, Thursday nights: Contact Josh Grover @ joshuamgrover@yahoo.com
Newbury, Thursday nights: Contact Bruce Wigton @ bewigton@gmail.com
New London, Fridays, 2x a month: Contact Phil Sprunger @ philip.sprunger@gmail.com